Thursday, December 1, 2016

2016 Annual Holiday Cyber Handmade Buy Local Extravaganza.

It's that time of year again. The turkey or tofurkey has been gobbled, the leftovers reheated and consumed by the boy, and my workshops for the year are done, leaving me to closet myself in the studio and paint away. I've used a few names for this sale- 12 paintings of Christmas, Ho Ho Holiday Sale, as well as others. Given the onslaught of advertising this year I have elected to rename it....

The Annual Holiday Cyber Handmade Buy Local Extravaganza. Notice I used bold font and itlalcized it to add effect and a certain zest while keeping with the professional nature of my posts here. This year the paintings will be coming fast and furious as I rework a few old ones and complete new ones.

If you are interested in any of these please contact me via EMAIL or my Facebook Page using the following LINK to my Watercolor Page which will be updated as I complete new works.

Prices include shipping within the continental US. Overseas shipping will be added for those of you outside the US.

All my best for you and yours for the Holidays,

Ă–rserum Barn- Sweden
8" x 11"

Saint Didier Alleys- Provence 
11" x 8"

Balmoral Hotel- Edinburgh 
4" x 4"

Smith T's- Opelika
11.5" x 8.5"

Shrimper- Apalachicola
4" x 4"

8th and B- Opelika
7.75" x 5.25"

The Kyles of Bute, Scotland
8" x 5.25"

From Pals, Spain
10" x 14"

The Swilcan Bridge- Old Course  St. Andrews
5.25" x8"

Fife Sheep, Scotland
5" x 7"

Fife Sheep 2, Scotland
5" x 7"

Gordes- Provence
14" x 10"

more to come........